The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Charles Lillie the London Perfumer

Charles Lillie (d. 1747) was a Frenchman and a London perfumer based in the Strand who authored the manuscript that was posthumously translated and published as The British Perfumer in 1822 by Colin MacKenzie.


  1. The British Perfumer. Charles Lillie; Colin Mackenzie. 1822. Digitised version
  2. Will of Charles Lillie dated 1746.
  3. Leaflet advertising Charles Lillie, Perfumer, At the City of Barcelona, the corner of Beaufort-Buildings in the Strand, London and listing such wares as Snuffs, Eſences, Butters, and Oyls, Perfum’d Waters, Soaps and Waſh-Balls, Hair-powders, and Perfumes, Coſmeticks, Aromaticks. C. 1736.