The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Otto Landsberg the Cape Colony Snuff Maker

Ludwig Heinrich Otto von Landsberg (1803–1905) was a Cape Colony snuff maker, merchant, and artist. A German Jew, Landsberg emigrated as a boy from his native Brunswick to Cape Town, where in 1823 he established a snuff manufacturing concern. He was succeeded in business circa 1880 by his grandson Julius Otto Jeppe (1855–1938).


  1. Dictionary of South African Biography. Landsberg, Otto Heinrich Ludwig. First Edition; Volume 2; Pages 380–381. 1972.
  2. Southern African Dictionary of National Biography. Eric Rosenthal. Landsberg, Otto. Page 208. 1966.
  3. I Heard the Old Men Say. Lawrence George Green. Pages 27–28. 1964.