The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Tobacco Beetle

The Tobacco Beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) is an insect which measures about two to three millimeters in length and has a color on the red-brown spectrum. It has its name for being a pest of cured tobacco and products thereof, into which the species burrows and lives and accordingly leaves a characteristic hole, in this way spoiling the tobacco by way of its very presence and the introduction of its droppings and dust. Tobacco Beetle infestations are liable to cause severe and costly damage to tobacco stocks, and common preventative methods employed by the tobacco industry against this threat include ensuring a high standard of cleanliness in facilities generally, the use of cold storage, and attempts at trapping, whilst common treatment methods for infested tobacco stocks include freezing, fumigation, and radiation.


  1. Farmers’ Bulletin 846: The Tobacco Beetle and How To Prevent Damage by It. United States Department of Agriculture. 1917. Digitised version
  2. Agriculture Handbook 233: Stored Tobacco Insects. United States Department of Agriculture. 1962.
  3. Circular 869: Control of Insects in Stored and Manufactured Tobacco. United States Department of Agriculture. 1951. Digitised version